We have created these practical Foldable Nylon Bags for Kentish Town Vegbox - a weekly vegetable and fruit scheme providing locally sourced produce from small-scale organic farms. Each week, the bags are filled with a selection of produce, then members pick-up their delivery from various collection points around north London. KTVB chose a mixed order of Foldable Shopping Bags- we created three different sized Nylon Bags in Small, Medium and Family-sized to cater for their different delivery packages.
Kentish Town Veg Box previously used pre-used supermarket plastic bags to get the veg deliveries out to their members. As there were so many single-use carrier bags in circulation, it made sense to re-use them. But when the new plastic bag charge came into force in England during 2017, the number of spare carrier bags available went down significantly.
They decided to switch to reusable bags and chose branded Nylon Bags from Smartbags. Custom-printed with their logo so members recognised that the bags belong to the scheme, as well as providing brand awareness and brand visibility when people are carrying their bags home. Here at Smartbags, we allow customers to mix different colours into each order. This helped Kentish Town Vegbox to manage the logistics of packing and sorting veg into different sized bags with ease.
Why Choose Nylon for Reusable Bags?
As an environmentally conscious scheme, Vegbox is very conscious about their use of packaging. They chose reusable nylon bags because nylon is relatively inexpensive, light and compact. It also has a lower carbon footprint compared to cotton and jute bags. Nylon is also robust and long-lasting, making the bags an economical choice as they can be used again and again for several years!
Vegbox use very little packaging beside the nylon bag, but when extra packaging is necessary, they aim to use paper bags where possible to avoid the use of plastics such as polythene.

What Did Customers Think About the Foldable Delivery Bags?
The new branded Smartbags went down really well with their customers! People loved the logo, with the smiling vegetable faces on, and the bags have lovely bright colours that are easily recognisable from a distance. They've even had members tell them that they feel proud carrying their veg home in the new nylon bags promoting Kentish Town Vegbox!
The weekly veg box service also provided an essential service during lock-down with demand soaring by a massive 68%. Read more in this this feature from the local newspaper: Demand Soars for Kentish Town Fruit & Veg Boxes