Reusable goody bags are a popular promotional product for charities as they offer a great opportunity to raise funds and raise awareness of a cause.
The Chartwell Cancer Trust came to us for promotional bags that they could sell at events they organise or take part in for them and partner charity, CCT
Tiger Ward. The money raised all goes towards the two charities to give much-needed support to cancer patients and their families, and the staff
at the Chartwell Unit in the Princess Royal University Hospital, Farnborough, Kent and the Tiger Ward at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woolwich, South
The bags are also filled with other promotional items and used as a gift to hosts of their popular Coffee Mornings and Prosecco Soirées. These are fundraising events that supporters organize themselves, and the charity provide the coffee or Prosecco, an Early Warning guide and other promotional items.
The brightly coloured bags – green for The CCT and orange for the CCT Tiger Ward – filled their requirements exactly and have been well received by supporters, especially the fact that they fold up into such a small pouch making them useful to pop into a pocket or handbag. The bright colours make them really eye-catching, and the strong fabric makes them really useful. They have proved popular with adults and children alike.