Blue Independent Fashion is a boutique store, based in Saffron Walden, Essex. They got in touch with us at Smartbags to create branded tote bags that could be used as a stylish free gift for customers to carry their purchases home in. The printed bags act like walking advertisements to promote the Blue fashion brand throughout Saffron Walden and the surrounding Essex area. Each and every time the owner reuses the reusable bag for shopping trips, they are acting like a brand ambassador, promoting the Blue brand everywhere they go!
Branded Tote Bags for Fashion Brands
Blue settled on creating their tote bags in 2 different sizes, for both big and small purchases. Tote Bags are extremely popular for fashion & high street brands as they have a large print area for adding your logo and brand message.
Blue wanted their logo front and centre as part of the bag design but didn't have a designer to hand. We were able to provide them with the design help required to convert their logo into the format needed for their bags. Read more about our artwork requirements.
Their branded tote bags have proved to be popular with their customers and as you can see from the pictures, they also look fabulous as part of the in-store display.

Looking for ways to promote your fashion boutique or brand? To get more inspiration, help and advice on creating promotional bags for boutiques, read our Industry section on fashion, high street and retail brands.
More about Blue Fashion
Blue is based in the market town of Saffron Walden stocking lots of individual brands European and Scandinavian clothing, shoes, bags and jewellery. They can be accredited with having “ fabulous customer service with lovely selection and beautiful cashmere".