Reusable Supermarket Bags for Life are like mini billboards waiting for some marketing magic. Reusable bags create an advertising opportunity for retailers as they are carried around and can be seen by other queuing shoppers. Create a printed reusable bag for your retail business and Bag Your Brand!

Create your own Brand Ambassadors
Every household makes at least a weekly shop or a trip to the shops (even if they do their supermarket shop online). How often have you looked in another customers basket or trolley in the queue to see what they are buying? We notice what other people do, so we'll notice if they are carrying a well designed Bag for Life.
A promotional bag gives your retail brand the opportunity to display your goods or services to a wide audience and captures their attention at a time when they are looking for a distraction.
Branded Bags for Life - Ideal for Marketing Campaigns
High quality, shopping bags also make the perfect customer gift. Eco-friendly bags can feature high impact print and design techniques, ensuring that they are always the bag of choice to take shopping. They can be simple or colourful (with full colour printing). You can totally customise a promotional bag to suit your exact needs and bring brand identify to life.
Visit our Resources section for Info Sheets, Videos & Guides to help you to Bag Your Brand.
Why Advertise Someone Else's Brand?
Loyal customers are a retailer’s most effective brand ambassador, and a moving one at that! Wandering around, exposing brands to their target audience and giving brand endorsement to their chosen shop – their endorsement says "come and shop with us now as this person already does!!"
Retailers don’t want to lose loyal customers as they save a retail business hundreds, or even thousands of pounds in marketing costs.
Supermarket marketers are aware of consumers interest in the environment, and to do their bit to save the planet, many have begun producing reusable, eco-friendly shopping bags. Sustainability and awareness of environmental issues provides an opportunity for all businesses and industries, from SME’s, corporate to brand managers of FMCGs.
Go Green
A beautifully branded stylish ecobag, with your company logo or picture, says a lot about you as an individual and your company. It says you care and are concerned about the environment. There has been a huge 90% reduction in the use of plastic bags since the bag charge was introduced in 2015. It is now common place for people to carry reusable bags for supermarket trips in order to avoid paying bag charge.
As a savvy marketer this ‘green’ hot potato is an opportunity. A branded retail environmentally friendly bag allows a company to position itself in a positive light, as well as taking advantage of this new branding potential.

Changing the Face of the High Street Forever!
The days of seeing a sea of plastic bags are becoming a thing of the past.. Be part of a new shopping army; do your bit for the environment; while your brand is promoted at the same time!
If you’d like to use a bag for life in your next marketing campaign, please browse our product range and get in touch for a custom quote. All of our reusable bags are custom-made to order and are available in a wide range of styles and fabrics to suit all budgets.